Thursday, May 20, 2010

February 2010


I haven’t updated the blog in SO long, I’m really going to try and get back on track to putting in an entry every week again.

It’s February and the weather is just bitterly cold lately, we’ve ALL been sick and are very ready for spring! This past week Jase started an indoor soccer parent and me class called “kickaroos”. He really does love it. He loves running around and making goals the most. Sometimes he has trouble slowing down long enough to do the other exercises, I really think it has something to do with him being cooked up in the house the past two weeks! He also started preschool today! He absolutely LOVES it! I went in to drop him off at 9 am, the teacher said I could stay for awhile if I wanted, so I let Gabby play for a few minutes until Jase told me to “go bye bye mommy” and pushed me towards the door. There are 4 other kids in his class. They have open play for 30 minutes or so at the beginning of class while the teacher takes turns working with each student individually on a certain project. Today they strung yarn through holes punched out of a paper plate. Jase loved it so much he kept asking to do it when he came home. It was one of the students birthdays and also the Valentine’s party, so Jastin kept talking about all the suckers, candy, and cupcakes they got today. After open play, they have time set aside for potty break, snack break, craft time, they sing songs, read a story, etc. He talked about it a bunch on the way home. When I went to pick him up he even said he wanted to stay! He also spilled water on himself and decided to strip down and run around (I can definitely picture him doing this!) Good thing he takes extra clothes!

He is doing SO well with his language, I am amazed everyday with the new things I hear him talk about. He picks up books and reads them to himself, or Gabby or even Bentley, our cat now. Six months ago he was only using single words and 2 word combinations, now just about everything he says is a 4-6 word sentence. He’s getting so good at explaining his pretend play to me. He made a pig out of playdoh today and told me the piggy was walking to mawmaw’s house and even made the noises of his feet moving and everything! He is very interested in drawing right now. He has known his capital letters for quite some time, but he now likes to draw them. He can draw “E, F and O” all by himself and they look great!

is running around like a crazy girl! She also doesn’t like to listen, haha. Anytime we say “Gabby, come here” she’s gone around the corner. She has gotten a lot better with hitting. For awhile there she was smacking everyone in sight repeatedly. She now gives lots of kisses and hugs, I think she gets a lot of that from Jase. He is always kissing and hugging too. She is also picking up a lot of language. She is getting very good at two word sentences and I love to see the expression on her face when she makes a short sentence. Yesterday she said “more apple” and just looked so excited to have put those words together all on her own.


I walked into the kitchen to Jase on the phone talking away, thinking he’s just pretending. I see the phone lit up and hear him telling someone “daddy is pooping on the potty”. I ask him if he hung up the phone and I hear a voice say “no” on the other end. I picked it up and start asking questions and figure out it’s our friend of the family who does our taxes.

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