Thursday, May 20, 2010

March 2010

Posted by PicasaMarch 2nd 2010

Well, we’ve had our sickness that we all knew would hit us this winter. I think it’s finally over! Now that we are a family of four, it seems the past few times we’ve been sick it just takes 2-3 weeks for any sickness to make it’s way out of our house. Once our immune system is down, game over and we seem to pick up any little thing, so I think we just had a few “bugs”. I used Oust spray and Clorox bleach wipes like you would not believe so we wouldn’t catch the nasty stomach bug again. I think that’s the worst, especially since Jase and Gabby just walk around and puke all over the place. Gabby even puked in the middle of walking around and eating a stick of cheese, without missing a beat.

Our life this week has seemed to go back to normal, finally. I have something planned everyday for the kids, which is nice because they are really getting cabin fever. We started pulling up our linoleum in our foyer/downstairs bath this weekend and got the tile laid, it looks awesome. I’ll have to take pictures once everything is in order, but it looks so great with the new vanity! The weather has been nice, so I’ve been getting the kids bundled up and we’ve been “exploring” outside. If Gabby could talk a little more I would LOVE to know what she’s thinking when she’s outside! She just says “oh, no!” over and over again. She is just in awe over rocks, grass, planes, anything really (well except cars, they seem to frighten her right now). We even found a grasshopper and followed it around for quite awhile. Now every chance Jase gets he says he wants to “go down the hill for a hopper”. I bought some bug catching kits at the dollar store and the kids have been catching ladybugs in our house as well.

The parents as teachers lady came over today. I really think Jastin’s speech amazed her (it’s been six months since she’s been here). Last time she was here, I was still concerned because he wasn’t really talking in front of other people, and now it’s just amazing! Gabby is ahead on just about all of her milestones (which I already knew). It’s funny to see how strong willed Gabby is compared to Jase at that age. The PAT lady really picked up on it quickly since Gabby makes it pretty much common knowledge. She started screaming “my juju!!!!” when Jase was playing with something she wanted. Jase has started acting up a little more this week and I really think it’s because of not running off enough energy, and he sees the way Gabby acts when she doesn’t get her way (as soon as she starts whining and throwing a fit, he replicates it to a “t” instantly). He can easily be stopped though, when I explain to him that he is a “big boy” and needs to set an example for Gabby. He really likes the idea of being the big brother and showing his little sister things. So hopefully the weather will be nice again soon so we can venture outside more often.

4-22-2010 Jase after he went poopy in the potty “mommy, wipe mine butt!…I can’t wipe mine butt cause I can’t see mine butt”

4-27-2010 Gabby said “I love you” for the first time J

5-2-2010 Gabby went potty on the big girl potty for the 1st time!!!!

5-19-2010 Jastin was blowing off his hot dinner and told me “I’m blowing my dinner up”

5-20-2010 Gabby jumped off the ground with both feet for the first time

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