Thursday, May 20, 2010

October 25th 2009

Posted by PicasaOctober 25th 2009

This has been a COLD October!!!! We had a very nice week temperature wise last week, so the kids and I took advantage of it and spent almost every day at Mastadon park. The fall leaves are absolutely beautiful as well, so we got some great pictures. Jase and Gabby both love being outside. Jase loves to explore, he takes his bug catcher and shoves it full of neat stuff he finds, mostly ladybugs, rocks, and his favorite, the red berries (sometimes orange if we’re lucky) on the trees in the park. We have walked the big trail (2 ¼ miles) a couple of times this week. Jase walks it mostly himself, although he does need a little help going up. Coming down is a different story, he would run down the whole thing if we would let him. He takes a few tumbles, that’s for sure, but gets right back up! Both of the kids love the creek. Gabby loves to try and get in after she gets bored of throwing in rocks. Jase kept yelling “no, don’t Gabby!” “no pool, Gabby!” I tried explaining it was a creek, but he just was not having any of it, and told me it was a big pool. (Same thing with strawberries and pumpkins lately, he calls them both apples, although I think we might have pumpkin down nowJ)

Speaking of pumpkins, we have ours now. We weren’t able to get any at the pumpkin patch since the kids were a little crabby near the end. We each have a pumpkin, and will carve them sometime this week coming up. We have a fall festival to attend Tuesday night with parents as teachers. The kids get to dress up and get candy, play games, etc. I haven’t decided if we are going to go or not. There will be LOTS of kids there, and I would hate for Gabby and Jase to pick up the flu or other illness and be sick for Halloween.

Jase still continues to do well with his speech. I wrote down his words 2 weeks ago, and came up with over 100 very easily, which is right where he should be. He’s really working on stringing his sentences together. He has has 2 word sentences for quite some time now, but is pretty much mastering that. He is talking in front of strangers (saying hi, bye, etc.) very well. We’re so proud of him. He loves to watch SuperWhy in the mornings, and he jumps right in and helps them spell words and claps, it’s very cute! He’s very interested in the alphabet right now, so that’s what we’ve been working on. Rob came up last night while Jase and I were reading books and Jase wanted daddy to sing the ABC’s with us. Man, what it out of tune, but very cool to sing all together! His other favorite song is “baby bumblebee”. We were all supposed to be lying down for a nap last week, when I was woken up by Jase at my side of the bed, in just a diaper, playing my little guitar my grandma made, while singing and dancing to baby bumblebee. Very funny

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