Thursday, May 20, 2010

Halloween 2009

Posted by PicasaOctober 31st 2009

Yesterday Jase went potty on his big boy potty and daddy gave him candy (skittles from the Halloween candy we will be handing out) Gabby also got a couple M&Ms, well, a few minutes later, Jase starts screaming “No, Gabby!” “Blue” “NO!” “Damnit!!!!” She had stolen his last blue skittle (he was saving the best for last) and shoved it in her mouth. He was SO upset, kept screaming at her over and over, while she’s crawling around with blue spit coming out of her mouth, so guilty! Well then, Gabby comes over to me, and I can tell she has a mouthful, I ask her to spit it out, and out come four skittles. She starts to gag and throws up, I catch it, and ask Rob to get something for me to clean it up with while I’m watching her to make sure she doesn’t hurl again. Rob gets a single paper towel, then looks at what I’m holding and says “Oh my” Jase gets a close look at starts gagging and saying “ew, yuck” more gagging. Rob gets me something to clean it up with, and I hand it back to him, then he starts to gag. So as I’m cleaning up the thief, both boys are gagging from the incident J


Jase has been excited all week for Halloween to come. He can even say “trick or treat”

Today he also said “gabby apple on chin” her chin was covered in applesauce, he’s getting so good at putting sentences together, I just had to throw that in. Anway, he has known since last night, that trick or treating is today. I have been telling him the order of events: Sleep, breakfast, lunch, nap, dinner then trick or treat. Well, it gets to nap time, and he is just WAY too excited about trick or treating to sleep. Rob came home from working with his dad at 2, right after I had put the kids down, and they both went in their beds very easily. Rob was unloading his car and we heard giggling. Surely that wasn’t our kids. I had just checked on Gabby and she was fast asleep! I creep upstairs, both of the kids doors are only cracked, just like I had left them. I still hear giggling. I peak in Gabby’s room and find Jase and Gabby jumping in her crib. He had gotten out of bed, went into her room, closed the door and climbed in her crib, woke her up and they decided to jump!

Gabby LOVES to help me around the house, just like Jase did at this age. She loves the dishwasher, cabinets, and today she followed me around with her own towel as I was cleaning the floors she was right behind me. She also likes to try and help change Jastin’s diaper J

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